Indo - Australian Critical Minerals Research Hub (IACMRH)

The Indo-Australian research Consortium

Taking cue from recent partnership agreements between the Prime Ministers of India and Australia, this consortium brings together leading researchers and scientists from Australia and India to tackle modern challenges in the field of Mining and Mineral availability. Academicians, Scientists and Policy makers from leading institutions of both countries have come together to use their multi-disciplinary expertise in solving various urgent environmental matters relevant to both countries including Critical minerals, reclamation and restoration, wealth from waste, climate change, and sustainable mining.

Critical minerals supply chain assessmentin the Renewable Energy Sectors

A comprehensive scenario framework to link sustainable development drivers, technology demands and critical minerals supply chain needs underpinning Australia and India’s climate change mitigation strategies.

Artificial Intelligence assistedcritical minerals exploration

Development of Artificial intelligence assisted techniques to process geospatial and survey data to identify critical deposits of rare-earth elements

Assessment of Critical Minerals Resources

Development of Critical resources database Establishment of a state-of-the-art geochemical database for critical mineral deposits Prospects of critical mineral potential in mineral resources, tailings and slags

Rare earth metal recovery from suitable wastes

Recovery of value from flyash, slags and tailings Changing the paradigm from waste minimisation to value generation

Economic potential for critical minerals

A geospatial tool to assess the economic potential for critical mineral production in India and Australia Development of cost and revenue models associated with the extraction and production of critical minerals To conduct India and Australia-wide survey of the economic potential for critical mineral production Development of sustainable mine site rehabilitation frameworks

Hydrometallurgical treatment for extraction of critical minerals from suitable wastes

Assessment of hydrometallurgy based flowsheets for hydrometallurgical treatment of mine waste Assessment of Pilot scale studies for commercial scale production